IIENetwork Membership Renewal FAQs

Where can I renew my IIENetwork membership?
When logged in to IIE’s Memberships Portal*, click the Account button to access your profile. You’ll find Membership Renewal under Account Details. You’ll then be instructed through a series of prompts, ending with payment options. You can pay immediately via credit card or choose to be invoiced. You can find all invoices under My Invoices in your Account menu.
* Note: For an organizational membership, only Primary and Affiliate contacts are able renew membership.
How do I pay for IIENetwork membership renewal?
You can renew membership via credit card or request an invoice, which includes instructions for following up with payment via ACH, wire, or check. You may also request an invoice and pay by credit card if you need the invoice for documentation. Regardless of your preferred payment method, please initiate renewal by clicking Membership Renewal in your profile.
How do I get an invoice?
You can request an invoice on the checkout page of the member renewal form. Please complete all steps of the renewal process first and then 'Edit Payment Method' during checkout. At the top of the pop up box, check 'I would like to be invoiced' and save that change. When you select 'Pay By Invoice', the portal will automatically send you an invoice for your renewal. 

How do I know when my IIENetwork membership is up for renewal?
As of summer 2022, IIENetwork membership runs on an anniversary system. This means that your expiration date is one year from your last renewal. For example, if you renew on December 15, 2022, your membership expiration date will become December 15, 2023. You will receive a series of reminder emails leading up to your expiration date, prompting you to renew your membership. You can find your current expiration date under My Profile.
How much are my IIENetwork dues?
Please refer to the pricing chart for membership options and dues.
What happens when my IIENetwork membership expires?
You have 45 days after expiration to keep accessing the Memberships Portal until payment is required. After 45 days, your account will be suspended, and you can rejoin at any time. Keep in mind, if you have an organizational membership, none of your contacts will have access to the benefits while your account is suspended. It is up to the primary/affiliate contacts to ensure a membership is renewed.
How does the IIENetwork renewal process affect my organizational membership eligibility for IIE grants such as the Emergency Student Fund (ESF) and the American Passport Project?
If your IIENetwork membership is in the renewal process before a deadline for an IIE grant, please contact membership@iie.org and we will confirm your eligibility.
How do I renew my organizational membership if our contacts have changed?
Affiliate contacts can access your organization profile to complete renewal, but they are not able to assign a new primary contact. If your primary contact has changed and you are not able to access your organization profile, please contact membership@iie.org and we will help update the contact so you can log in and complete the renewal.

Become A Member

IIENetwork: We are excited to welcome new organizational and individual members. Please see more details here.

Global E3: If you're interested in joining, please review the application process.